WooCommerce: How to change “Add to cart” button text?
Are you looking for a way to change the default "Add to cart" button text in WooCommerce? This code snippet will let you change the text to "Buy Now", "Add to Bag", "Book Now", or whatever custom text you like.

Remove Product Meta ‘Categories’ in a Product Page – WooCommerce
By default, WooCommerce product categories are displayed at the bottom of a product page just under the add to cart button.
You can remove these from the layout by removing the woocommerce_template_single_meta action from the product summary, in your themes functions.php

How to change proceed to checkout text In wooCommerce 3.9.2?
WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce plugin built for WordPress. You can employ the most potent content management system (CMS) to operate an online business thanks to this. You can alter every element of your store because it is open-source. You can override any template...